One Room Challenge πŸ›‹ Spring 2020: Week 4

One Room Challenge πŸ›‹ Spring 2020: Week 4

Hello there, color lovers and fellow ORCers 🌈 my name is Jenna Pilant [puh-lawnt] and welcome to my “WEEK 4” update on myΒ Spring 2020 ONE ROOM CHALLENGE space. I got to be honest = I was NOT feeling motivated at all today to either write or edit πŸ’” just...
One Room Challenge πŸ›‹ Spring 2020: Week 3

One Room Challenge πŸ›‹ Spring 2020: Week 3

HaPpY [almost] Memorial Day Weekend, color lovers and fellow ORCers 🌈 my name is Jenna Pilant [puh-lawnt] and if you’re new around these color-loving parts πŸ˜‰ I am a San Diego designer that specializes in creating one-of-a-kind [non-trendy] COLORFUL AF furniture and...
One Room Challenge πŸ›‹ Spring 2020: Week 2

One Room Challenge πŸ›‹ Spring 2020: Week 2

Welcome back, color lovers and fellow ORC participants to my design+style blog 🌈 my name is Jenna Pilant [puh-lawnt] and today might just in fact be the most exciting blog post/design reveal of my colorful career thus far πŸ₯³ BUT before I go revealing those first pops...