by Dave | May 14, 2014 | Decor, Interior Design
Yesterday afternoon was filled with an adventure I had not yet experience before = EMBROIDERING! NOW before you go and get all impressed “Betty Homemaker” style, you must know I was not doing this by hand. Nope. As you can tell by the picture above, it was a machine –... by Dave | May 7, 2014 | Decor, Interior Design
A couple weeks ago, I received one of the best surprises in the mail = my very own Kit-Cat Clock! I am about all things vintage and I guess my mother knows that better than anyone, as she’s the one that sent me this marvelous timekeeper. It’s currently hanging in our... by Dave | May 2, 2014 | Decor, Interior Design
Lately, I’ve been extremely bored with most stores’ selections in picture frames. I mean when I wish to display one of my photographs, I really want the frame to be as inviting as picture itself. SO, what’s a creative soul like myself to do??? That’s why I decided to... by Dave | Apr 22, 2014 | Decor, Interior Design
As I stated yesterday [lately] I’ve been experiencing these abrupt amounts of energy AND have been über productive, because, well, I’m using this sudden get-up-and-go for good and not evil. So much so [in fact] I actually managed to solve a problem right off my to-do... by Dave | Apr 9, 2014 | Decor, Interior Design
Besides books, wall art is a very easy way to help make a house a home. I love to take basically anything and border it up into just that = WALL ART! For example, this is a postcard from D’s college spring break experience that he’s been moving around all these years... by Dave | Feb 18, 2014 | Art, Decor, Interior Design
A little over a year ago, I read some advice that really stuck with me. Lifestyle expert and author of “The Seductive Home,” Moll Anderson, says the only pictures that belong in your bedroom are of you and your significant other, which ultimately means to...