
A Couple That Cleanses Together . . .

. . . learns to appreciate food a WHOLE LOT MORE 😉 no, but seriously, let me take you on a little story: During our staycation last week, I came home from yoga to find D sitting at his computer. He looked up at me, smiled, and said, “I think we should do a cleanse.”...

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Pinterest Saturday

A few weeks ago, my girlfriend, Leslie, and I were talking/laughing about how we ALL pin and pin and pin on Pinterest and never really create any of the D.I.Y.’s we, well, PIN 😉 that discussion thus led to this weekend’s first ever = Pinterest Saturday. Yep, we...

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Operation: Staycation

Today is the last day of #meandD staycation 🙁 which means we’re back to adulthood tomorrow morning. Yes, it’s all very bittersweet, but the true fact of the matter is this was one of the best weeks of my life. To have this much time with the man of my dreams is a...

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Custom Order: Patio Furniture Covers

Whenever D goes out of town, I always try to complete [at least] one large project. Mostly, to keep the dogs and I from moping around [yes, we are lame] BUT it’s also a great way to get stuff done. Yes, this custom Homebird Upholstery order was actually for our own...

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“Burner” by Sullybrate

Okay, so I know I am not alone in this, but . . . I LOVE INSTAGRAM!!! Why? Well [of course] there are oh-so-many picturesque reasons 🙂 however, what I find the most enjoyable is how it brings strangers together: foodies, artists, bloggers, musicians, etc. – people...

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Mixing Business With Pleasure

I’m in the middle of “Operation Hydrate” [yet again] this morning. Why? It’s mostly because I’m still recovering from another #meandD Vegas adventure. Well, I could always use more water in my day [everyday], BUT it’s pretty much because of our fun. See, D had to go...

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A “Stella”-r Cabinet

Things are sure looking lovely in my office . . . ESPECIALLY with my new storage unit! (Stella Cabinet from CB2) I just simply CANNOT work in an untidy environment, folks. In fact, I’m pretty certain nobody can REALLY – even though, they might tell you differently ;)...

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Four Eyes Love

Last year, I made the realization that I might have majored in the wrong subject, and until recently, there was a little self-doubt about the matter. Oh, whom am I kidding? I’m a creative, so there will always be some uncertainty. The point is, however, I keep feeling...

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X-Fest 2014

Okay, so try not to judge here 🙂 but on Friday, #meandD went to my first-ever music festival: X-Fest. I’ve [of course] been to concerts before, but I have never had the pleasure of seeing this many superb bands back to back to back. It was PHENOMENAL. The lineup...

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