Our Master Bedroom & A Giveaway!

Today is a pretty thrilling day here on LLM because it’s my first-ever room reveal! AND what better room to start out with than the master bedroom?! This space has been about a year and a half in the making, and although I am a firm believer that a room is never...

“Burner” by Sullybrate

Okay, so I know I am not alone in this, but . . . I LOVE INSTAGRAM!!! Why? Well [of course] there are oh-so-many picturesque reasons 🙂 however, what I find the most enjoyable is how it brings strangers together: foodies, artists, bloggers, musicians, etc. – people who...

A “Stella”-r Cabinet

Things are sure looking lovely in my office . . . ESPECIALLY with my new storage unit! (Stella Cabinet from CB2) I just simply CANNOT work in an untidy environment, folks. In fact, I’m pretty certain nobody can REALLY – even though, they might tell you differently 😉...

Four Eyes Love

Last year, I made the realization that I might have majored in the wrong subject, and until recently, there was a little self-doubt about the matter. Oh, whom am I kidding? I’m a creative, so there will always be some uncertainty. The point is, however, I keep feeling...

Succulent Centerpiece

I find #creativeaftermath inspiration wherever I go. For example, a month ago [in between shopping and food] me and D ran into one of my favorite design stores, Hold It Contemporary Home, in Mission Valley. It’s one of those shopping establishments that make you giddy...

Thank You For Visiting

In a few weeks time, we will be having our first official house guest of the summer! Yes, Ann 😉 I’m talking about you! So today, I thought I would share something I had made last summer for our guest room. Isn’t cute?! I purchased this irrational GROUPON last spring...