by Dave | Jun 15, 2016 | Costumes, Fashion
This year is going so fast, people. I mean almost one month ago today, I was at the La Valencia Hotel in La Jolla shooting the next three decades for their Hot Pink Celebration countdown [70s-60s-50s] and although I am loving every minute of this once-in-a-lifetime... by Dave | May 13, 2016 | Costumes, Fashion
Man, talk about a jammed packed schedule I’ve had lately = a “Royals” vacation with the husband a few weeks ago [that I still need to post pictures from btw] Create + Cultivate last weekend in Los Angeles, Beyoncé concert last night, I have the... by Dave | Apr 15, 2016 | Costumes, Fashion
Earlier this month, I announced that I was selected to be both the stylist and the model for the La Valencia Hotel’s Hot Pink 90th Celebration. Thank you for all your kind, congratulatory words the past two weeks. It really does mean a lot. This is a dream-come-true... by Dave | Apr 1, 2016 | Costumes, Fashion, Style
Back in February, I posted a behind-the-scenes shot of myself at a photoshoot on Instagram. Well today, I am proud to finally announce that I am both the stylist and the model for the La Valencia Hotel’s Hot Pink 90th Celebration 😀 that’s right, folks = I... by Dave | Apr 3, 2014 | Fashion, Style
As you all know, I love me some sweaters. However, sweater weather is over for the next six “say it ain’t so” months 🙁 So, yesterday, I decided it was time to finally put them away for another season . . . [Why, God?! WHY!] BUT not before I showed them a little love!... by Dave | Feb 12, 2014 | Fashion, Just Jenna, Me & D, Style
Okay, so yesterday was ALL about D’s anniversary present from yours truly, BUT since I’ve been asked a couple times since then as to what D got for me, I thought it was time for me to share this gorgeous beauty: Yea, my man definitely knows what I like = she’s vintage...