Before & After: Chair Stools

My most recent client was such a dear. She was SO embarrassed by the cleanliness of her chair stools. When in all actuality, they weren’t even bad – in fact, I didn’t see them as dirty at all. I viewed them as four, well-used pieces of furniture, very worthy of a...

Viva Las Vegas!

Well, I am FINALLY starting to feel like “Jenna” again 😉 [Lol.] But I guess a couple nights in Sin City would do that to anybody! Yep, me and D took a four-day vacay to Vegas this past weekend in celebration of his birthday, and WOW, did we have fun! The trip was...

A Tidbit Extravagant

So D’s birthday was on Saturday. And since we were headed to Vegas to celebrate “42” for the weekend, I decided to give him a little party at home on Thursday night. I might have out done myself . . . First off, I want to preface this by saying that I looove birthdays...

A Pirate Looks At . . .

Someone has a birthday tomorrow. And it’s not me 😉 (Chiefs Home Opener 2012) D is the most remarkable man I have ever known – hardworking, understanding, and can always [ALWAYS] make me laugh. “Our birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time.” – Jean Paul I just...

An Unknown Home

Do you ever buy something you absolutely adore but really don’t know where or how you’re going to use it in your home? Yea, I do this more than I care to admit. Luckily, however, I have a creative brain that just won’t quit 😉 I purchased the above three,...