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My most recent client was such a dear.

She was SO embarrassed by the cleanliness of her chair stools.

When in all actuality, they weren’t even bad – in fact, I didn’t see them as dirty at all.

I viewed them as four, well-used pieces of furniture, very worthy of a makeover.


Now, I completely understand my client’s self-consciousness. We only want people to see the bests of our homes. I mean why else have I been running around like a chicken with its head cut off the past few weeks?! Company coming = kicking “O.C.D. Jenna” into high gear.

We labor to make a house a home, then every time we’re expecting visitors, we rush to turn it back into a house. – Robert Brault

I do have to admit, though . . . the house is looking pretty fine 😉 have a happy Labor day, y’all!