Kansas City Royals at Petco Park

This doesn’t happen very often, folks, but the Kansas City Royals were here in San Diego Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for a series against the Padres . . . and we were there for every single game 🙂 Yep, me and D had a nice, mini-vacation this week, staying downtown...

Kit-Cat Kitchen Clock

A couple weeks ago, I received one of the best surprises in the mail = my very own Kit-Cat Clock! I am about all things vintage and I guess my mother knows that better than anyone, as she’s the one that sent me this marvelous timekeeper. It’s currently hanging in our...

Thread A Frame

Lately, I’ve been extremely bored with most stores’ selections in picture frames. I mean when I wish to display one of my photographs, I really want the frame to be as inviting as picture itself. SO, what’s a creative soul like myself to do??? That’s why I decided to...

Spring Thinning

On Sunday, me and D went on a little shopping spree. He needed suits for work and I, well, needed to work on my love/hate relationship with my summer wardrobe . . . and overall, I think it would be save to say that we won 😉 HOWEVER, when we got home and examined our...

MacGyvered Bedskirt

As I stated yesterday [lately] I’ve been experiencing these abrupt amounts of energy AND have been über productive, because, well, I’m using this sudden get-up-and-go for good and not evil. So much so [in fact] I actually managed to solve a problem right off my to-do...