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You’re Invited!

Oceanside Museum of Art's Art After Dark 05.10.13 Invite

Next Friday, May 10th, Homebird Upholstery is going to have its very own lounge exhibit at the Oceanside Museum of Art’s Art After Dark event: Dr. Steampunk’s Art Extravaganza . . . just under seven days away [WOW!].  “May” seemed so far way when I first accepted the gig, but man, it sure did get here fast. I originally wanted to have six pieces for the display, but was only able to finish three. A little disappointing, but I need to remind myself I’m a one-woman shop. I am, however, amazingly happy with how the pieces have turned out.

“I’m trying to stay as calm as possible and focus one day at a time, but when reality sets in, I feel everything: anxiety, excitement, nerves, pressure, and joy.” – Shawn Johnson

I cannot wait to see the public’s reactions 😉 hope you can make it!