
The Answer Is Clear

I love Interior Design. My iPad might honestly be subscribed to possibly every home magazine there is. Seriously. It’s an addiction. Take our new place for example. As soon as we moved in January and all our stuff became situated, D and I started taking note of...

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Management Boards

So happy. The sun is shining. I just baked Sour Cream Crumb Cake. AND, yesterday was my first official guest post on Her View From Home. Life is good.  

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John Deere Green

Awe, color. My addiction with no help group needed 😉 Yes, I’ll be the first one to admit, I’m a complete sucker for it. I see something in a bright, attractive hue and I feel this urge to instantaneously make it mine. Therefore, it’s no wonder why spray paint and I...

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Santa Catalina Island

Weekend getaways are my favorite sort of travel. Packing’s easier, the time away is less stressful, and as far as we know, a change in scenery never hurt anyone. In celebration of our yearlong love, D and I went on a three-day vacay to the resort community of Avalon;...

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One year. Photo by Neka Rae Photography That’s how long it’s been me and D . . . and I still feel like I’ve won some sort of lottery. I’m happier than I’ve ever been and a good chunk of my euphoria is due to my guy, but I cannot justifiably put us into words. “The...

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“Bad dog!" is my new favorite phrase. [Can you hear the sarcasm?] Yep, due to some overwhelming issues the past week, I’m starting to realize something is not completely right in our doggy dog world. Yes, our three have endured a great deal of change over the past...

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Super Housewarming Bowl

Congratulations, Baltimore Ravens! Another SUPER BOWL champ crowned and we're officially in the off-season. [Here's to a better season next year, Chiefs.] Yesterday, in celebration of our new digs, D and I hosted our first get-together and just in time for the big...

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New Traditions

I’m brimming with the season. [Always have been – always will be.] This holiday, however, is going to be an itsy-bitsy different from what I’m typically accustomed to. “Tradition is a guide and not a jailer.” – W. Somerset Maugham That’s okay, though, because it’s my...

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Scrabble Magnets

Creative Aftermath projects arise for many different reasons. A couple months ago, I was out attempting to window shop at Paper Source, checking out some of its quirk-fully wonderful merchandise, and ran across the greatest thing ever: Scrabble Kitchen Magnets. Two...

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