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Please do me a favor and look-up to the top right-hand corner of your Lucky Little Mustardseed screen, please.

See anything different?

Well, [just in case you don’t] there are two new pages [:D] on my blog: Style Crazed and Homebird Upholstery!

I’ve been thinking about adding these for a couple months now, because for one, I adore fashion and give a lot of thought to it each day [why not have a page where I can share what I wear?!]. And two, I love nothing more than to rip old furniture apart and make it new [this is after all how I spend most of my days] . . . ANYWAY, there’s two new pages on LLM I think you’ll love. The first “Style Crazed” post won’t be for a few weeks [got some coordinating to-do], but today is the day for some “Homebird Upholstery” action!


Awe, the channel back – a chair with it’s own unique challenges. I gave this piece a makeover for my dear friend, Ashley [a.k.a. The Design Stylist], for her office/website overhaul and I could not be happier with the transformation. She picked out the fabric and I suggested the two-color double welting and gold trimmings = a wonderful example on how two creative minds can work together as one!

“Creativity involves breaking out of the established patterns in order to look at things in a different way.” – Edward de Bono

I hope you enjoyed the before and after [there’s more where that came from]; please feel free to leave your comments below 😉 I would love to hear your feedback on the final look.