by Dave | Feb 11, 2013 | Me & D
One year. Photo by Neka Rae Photography That’s how long it’s been me and D . . . and I still feel like I’ve won some sort of lottery. I’m happier than I’ve ever been and a good chunk of my euphoria is due to my guy, but I cannot justifiably put us into words. “The... by Dave | Feb 6, 2013 | Dogs, Just Jenna
“Bad dog!” is my new favorite phrase. [Can you hear the sarcasm?] Yep, due to some overwhelming issues the past week, I’m starting to realize something is not completely right in our doggy dog world. Yes, our three have endured a great deal of change over the... by Dave | Feb 4, 2013 | Me & D
Congratulations, Baltimore Ravens! Another SUPER BOWL champ crowned and we’re officially in the off-season. [Here’s to a better season next year, Chiefs.] Yesterday, in celebration of our new digs, D and I hosted our first get-together and just in time for... by Dave | Dec 24, 2012 | Me & D
I’m brimming with the season. [Always have been – always will be.] This holiday, however, is going to be an itsy-bitsy different from what I’m typically accustomed to. “Tradition is a guide and not a jailer.” – W. Somerset Maugham That’s okay, though, because it’s my... by Dave | Dec 5, 2012 | Decor, Interior Design
Creative Aftermath projects arise for many different reasons. A couple months ago, I was out attempting to window shop at Paper Source, checking out some of its quirk-fully wonderful merchandise, and ran across the greatest thing ever: Scrabble Kitchen Magnets. Two...