by Dave | May 22, 2013 | Upholstery
When your clients are as creative as you, it’s a beautiful thing. Especially, when they trust you enough to let your design-freak-flag fly high . . . and solo! Here’s a custom order I created this past fall. See, my friend, Jen, is the owner of TWIG hair lounge... by Dave | May 20, 2013 | Me & D
FINALLY! [I know] the pictures from our 8-day vacay are way past due. The reason? Well, for starters, I snapped entirely too many pictures 😉 making it take FOREVER to go through all of them. Plus, it was more than difficult to decide on which ones to use . . . that’s... by Dave | May 17, 2013 | Upholstery
Hey-o! Please do me a favor and look-up to the top right-hand corner of your Lucky Little Mustardseed screen, please. See anything different? Well, [just in case you don’t] there are two new pages [:D] on my blog: Style Crazed and Homebird Upholstery! I’ve been... by Dave | May 11, 2013 | Upholstery
Friday was a little cray-cray. I had barely enough time to eat – let alone to blog. But I am here now ready to share! Last night was the big night with my Homebird Upholstery exhibit at the Oceanside Museum of Art’s Art After Dark event. It. Was. Simply. Wonderful.... by Dave | May 8, 2013 | Me & D
Our fat cupcake turns 4 years old today. Hazel is THE kindest spirit you will ever meet – loveable, sweet, and almost wiggles in two every time she sees you 😉 “A dog is the only thing on Earth that loves you more than you love yourself.“ – Josh Billings I just adore...