by Dave | Dec 23, 2014 | Me & D
Today is MOVING DAY! Yep, #meandD are leaving the Carlsbad Village to go and test drive the Fallbrook area before we buy . . . or BUILD our forever home. I usually get all nostalgic anytime I abandon a residence where I’ve spent some time. However, THAT IS NOT... by Dave | Nov 14, 2014 | Decor, Interior Design
A few weeks ago, I was asked by Modani to create a living room that reflects my style 🙂 AND you know how this Lucky Little Mustardseed loves to decorate a room! Thus, I [of course] jumped at the opportunity. Here’s what I came up with: Overall, it was a pretty... by Dave | Oct 27, 2014 | Me & D
Today, I find myself wondering how Mr. Tony Bennett left is his heart in San Francisco. See, #meandD have just returned home from the Bay area. We went on this short, three-day trip, so we could watch our beloved Royals play in Game 4 and 5 of the 2014 World Series.... by Dave | Sep 23, 2014 | Me & D
Sunday is by far my most favorite day of the week. Why? Mostly because it’s the start of the #meandD weekend 😉 what can I say? The guy works A LOT and I patiently wait for our fun day together each week. This past Sunday was polo. My friend, Allison Andrews... by Dave | Sep 22, 2014 | Me & D
Last Friday was the weirdest, best day. (My Former iPhone 5 with My New iPhone 6) See, I’ve been having some issues with my iPhone 5 as of late. And since I’m a one-woman business, I haven’t really found the time to go into a Verizon store to have it...