Bye-Bye, 3391 Madison!

Today is MOVING DAY! Yep, #meandD are leaving the Carlsbad Village to go and test drive the Fallbrook area before we buy . . . or BUILD our forever home. I usually get all nostalgic anytime I abandon a residence where I’ve spent some time. However, THAT IS NOT...

A Living Room Modani-Style

A few weeks ago, I was asked by Modani to create a living room that reflects my style 🙂 AND you know how this Lucky Little Mustardseed loves to decorate a room! Thus, I [of course] jumped at the opportunity. Here’s what I came up with: Overall, it was a pretty...

A “Giants” Disappointment

Today, I find myself wondering how Mr. Tony Bennett left is his heart in San Francisco. See, #meandD have just returned home from the Bay area. We went on this short, three-day trip, so we could watch our beloved Royals play in Game 4 and 5 of the 2014 World Series....

Sunday Fun Day: Polo

Sunday is by far my most favorite day of the week. Why? Mostly because it’s the start of the #meandD weekend 😉 what can I say? The guy works A LOT and I patiently wait for our fun day together each week. This past Sunday was polo. My friend, Allison Andrews...

Well Hello, iPhone 6!

Last Friday was the weirdest, best day. (My Former iPhone 5 with My New iPhone 6) See, I’ve been having some issues with my iPhone 5 as of late. And since I’m a one-woman business, I haven’t really found the time to go into a Verizon store to have it...