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Well, I am FINALLY starting to feel like “Jenna” again 😉


But I guess a couple nights in Sin City would do that to anybody!


Yep, me and D took a four-day vacay to Vegas this past weekend in celebration of his birthday, and WOW, did we have fun!

The trip was originally spurred by D’s invitation to play in The Cosmopolitan’s $75K Blackjack Tournament, and since one of the dates happened to land on his actual birthday, how could we refuse!? I thought he did pretty well in the competition. D won his table in the first round and then lost in the last hand of the second. [Boo.] But the trip was still completely worth it. [Of course!] We had excellent food, splendid drinks, and oh, so many laugh’s.

I honestly don’t know how we luck out, but me and D always have such a good time.

“Fun is good.” – Dr. Seuss

D even said it was “the best birthday he’s ever had.”

[Challenged accepted!]