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Once found on FAB, I knew in an instant that I HAD to have this in my office 🙂

This Print

After quitting their jobs to start the company of their dreams, the “Holstee Manifesto” was one of the first things the Holstee founders created and has been shared across Twitter, Tumblr, and the whole worldwide blogosphere over 100,000 times and then some! [Yes, that’s right 😉 I am NOT the first.] It’s suppose to serve as a daily remind of what is important in life. AND as someone who is in “Year Two” of pursuing her own artistic endeavors, I need just that = something to keep me going when I start to question my decision.

“Change your thoughts and you change your world.” – Norman Vincent Peale

I believe the key to any workspace is to add as much inspiration as possible . . . SO, first the clock and now this.