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In a few weeks time, we will be having our first official house guest of the summer!

Yes, Ann šŸ˜‰ Iā€™m talking about you!

So today, I thought I would share something I had made last summer for our guest room.

Thank You For Visiting

Isnā€™t cute?! I purchased this irrational GROUPON last spring for a metal print, and afterwards, this idea just sort of popped in my head = create a fun, vintage-looking sign for our guests! See, I was in the middle of decorating this particular room for my Mom and Grandmaā€™s upcoming October visit and was in desperate need of some wall art. Well, Iā€™m still in need of some more wall art in there, but thatā€™s another story for a different day . . . ANYWAY, the person that was able to make this thought a reality was my dear friend, The Design Stylist. Ashley ALWAYS knows how to take a concept and make it an actual product. I just love her and her passion for this stuff. If you need someone for anything design-wise [branding, website, etc.] she is more than your lady for the job. Sheā€™s a project wizard. Trust me. I throw some crazy thoughts her way. Okay, so back to the sign. Iā€™m VERY happy with it. The company that made the print is called Picture It On Canvas, and funny enough, they are located right here in San Diego. My print is of very high quality and their customer service was simply stellar.

ā€œMankind is divisible into two great classes: hosts and guests.ā€ ā€“ Max Beerbohm

SO, what kind of fun things do you have in your guest room?