You’re probably wondering about the title.
Well, as you know, me and D have become quite the little yogis – going four [or more] times a week.
I honestly believe if more people did yoga we would ALL have less problems.
That’s why I want to share with you about these donation-based classes happening over the holiday weekend at the yoga studio [we love] Peace Love and Yoga: Take 3 Poses & Call Me In The Morning. One of our favorite teachers, Catherine Mazur [we call her Queen Catherine], is going to participate in the Chicago Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in June and is currently raising awareness/education funds for this big disease that still affects far too many people. The classes are from 2:00 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday [May 25th & 26th] AND are not only for a good cause but are ALSO designed for anyone and everyone, focusing on yoga’s holistic approach to getting and staying healthy. If you haven’t tried yoga or want a great drop-in class, one or both would be an enjoyable way to bring a healing energy into your life, calming your nervous system and relaxing your mind and body. Plus, Catherine is AWESOME. In the class, you will learn about the 3 major ways your yoga practice can make a contribution to your health as you do a heated, vinyasa flow to help regulate the endocrine system, balance hormones, and strengthen the immune system.
Here’s a tidbit more about our Queen:
Led to yoga through her fascination with the healing powers of the body, Catherine draws on her training in energy medicine and meditation to encourage positive life change through all aspects of yoga practice. She encourages her students to “use yoga to feel better” and her classes often include energetic techniques for personal empowerment and stress release. Originally from Chicago, she loves her Midwestern roots. Her first career was with United Airlines and she enjoyed traveling to study yoga with a wide variety of renowned teachers, from Dharma Mitra in New York, to Desiree Rumbaugh and Rusty Wells in California. After earning her 200-hour teaching certificate at NYC’s Sonic Yoga, she taught at a Kripalu studio in Chicago before moving with her family to San Diego. Catherine’s teaching style is a dynamic vinyasa flow with a focus on alignment. She offers a creative practice for all levels and has a reputation for sneaking in a challenge. Throughout her 20-year practice, she remains curious to expand her knowledge base, from her studies with yoga masters to cutting-edge neuroscience therapies.
Pretty impressive, huh!?
And hey, if you can’t attend one of Catherine’s fabulous classes over the weekend, you CAN always make a donation 😉 clicking on her personal page >>> Catherine Mazur – any contribution will help to support medical research into the possible causes of and cure for breast cancer, education and early detection programs, and clinical care and support services for women with breast cancer in communities across the country with a special focus on helping medically underserved women, the poor, minorities, and the elderly.
“Every woman needs to know the facts. And the fact is, when it comes to breast cancer, every woman is at risk.” – Debbie Wasserman Schultz
This disease is affecting 1 in 8 women in this country everyday [so scary] and we all know someone who has it, has had it, or even worse, has passed away from it. It’s an eerie reality . . . however, amazing people like Catherine are helping make a difference, SO if you can, donate [we have] AND also do me a favor and do a self-breast exam. We each have to be our own preventative advocates. Be as healthy as you can be.
Please have an extraordinary [safe] weekend filled with some much-needed shavasana!