I find #creativeaftermath inspiration wherever I go. For example, a month ago [in between shopping and food] me and D ran into one of my favorite design stores, Hold It Contemporary Home, in Mission Valley. It’s one of those shopping establishments that make you giddy JUST by seeing their window displays. We went there mostly because D had never been before . . . which led to us making a few purchases = a new tabletop “eye glass” iron sculpture and an uber fun, rubber band pillow. We could have easily spent more. Trust me. It was hard not to! ANYWAY, while we were in there, I kept noticing that all the dining room tables had greenery as their focal point. D even said, “You should do that to ours.” So, today I’m here showing YOU how I made a succulent centerpiece for our supper room.
First off, I had to find the perfect container. This will vary for each of you. It all depends on what your design aesthetic is and what the needs are for your table. I knew I wanted something clear, glass, and under 2 feet in length. After a couple of weeks of searching, I finally discovered what I wanted at Michael’s [go figure] for about $30.00.
I brought my new treasure home, gave it a good scrub down, and dried it immediately to avoid any annoying water spots. I then poured about an inch of sand in its bottom and lightly shook it back and forth to create an even level.
Next, I spooned in about half of the needed soil and dug four places for its upcoming succulents.
Following the dirt, I removed the succulents from their temporary homes and loosened up the roots gently with my fingers.
After that, I evenly placed each of the succulents in the long vase and gradually dolloped the remaining soil around them.
Last but not least, I added some decorative white rock over top – which not only adds appeal but also helps trap in moisture.
I honestly could not be happier with the end results. The layering turned out WAY better than I ever could have imagined. I’m also so pleased that I decided to go with these succulents I’ve never seen before. They are called Mimicry [or Baby Toes] in case you were interested.
“What we plant in the soil of contemplation, we shall reap in the harvest of action.” – Meister Eckhart
Now [hopefully] I can keep these four, new, green babies ALIVE! Wish me luck 😉