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Creative Aftermath projects arise for many different reasons.

A couple months ago, I was out attempting to window shop at Paper Source, checking out some of its quirk-fully wonderful merchandise, and ran across the greatest thing ever: Scrabble Kitchen Magnets.

Two things: I love Paper Source and I REALLY love Scrabble.

I was ecstatic over my find. I literally felt I had won the jackpot, a very small, meaningless jackpot, but nevertheless, a jackpot. My purchase “high” lasted just long enough for me to get home and make the quick realize that these magnets were not what I hoped. In the blindness of my excitement, I had thought they would be made out of the actual Scrabble tiles. Yes, yes, I know it was silly of me . . . especially since they were sold in a very flat container.

Anyway, Creative Aftermath had presented itself and boy, did I want those Scrabble magnets.

Scrabble Magnet Making Supplies


Scrabble Letter Tiles

100 Small Magnets

Hot Glue & Accommodating “Hot Glue” Gun

Good Music [Of course!]

A little dab will do ya! ;)

Heat-up the ole hot glue gun and start assembling; place a Scrabble letter tile face down and squeeze out a small bead of hot glue.

"Under Pressure"

Press and hold a small magnet on top of the hot glue and hum “Under Pressure” [only halfway kidding].

Tah dah!

And VOILA! I created just the sort of Scrabble magnets I had wanted all along. Now, I understand a monkey could have done this kind of project, but that’s not the point; the point is doing a little creativeness like so gave me a boost in happy [something I always welcome]. Plus, they look pretty great on my office board.

Scrabble Magnets spelling "Lucky Little Mustardseed"

Now, please excuse me – I have some board game [replacement] shopping to do 😉