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All week here on, I have been sharing with you my love of Halloween through costumes I have created using items already in my closet, because, well, it’s just an awesome time of year! Both adults and children alike can dress up like some of their favorite movie characters; whether it’s from present day or from years ago . . . and personally there are fewer movie characters that stand out in my mind than this particular one. It also seems silly not too since I already owned a bright red bike 😉

That’s right, folks! For my third costume, I decided to be Pee-Wee Herman from Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure!


Photo by Henry S. Young

I believe it’s safe to bet that all of you children from the eighties know who I am talking about. I mean who didn’t see this goofy character on their television set as a kid or go see the movie! Heck, I even had his doll!


Photo by Henry S. Young

And since I don’t seem able to get rid of anything [EVER] this costume was super simple for me to put together. Why? For starters, I still have this grey suit from my television host days [it’s now a few sizes too big now, but since it’s J.Crew, I’ve been having a hard time parting ways] secondly, I also still had this red bow tie in my arsenal from my show choir days. Again, I don’t really know why I still have it. Weird. #packrat


Photo by Henry S. Young

Then the rest of the accessories were easy = the white glasses were from our 2015 elopement, this white shirt is a staple in my closet and the white shoes [like yesterday] are leftover from my “Rosie The Riveter” photoshoot with the La Valencia Hotel. And like I said above, I already had a bright red bike as well. So damn. It’s as if Pee-Wee fell into my lap. Haha! Not to make light of his 1991 scandal :/ but come on, man! Keep it in your pants! Perv.


Photo by Henry S. Young

“There’s a lotta things about me you don’t know anything about, Dottie. Things you wouldn’t understand. Things you couldn’t understand. Things you shouldn’t understand” — Pee-Wee Herman from Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure


Photo by Henry S. Young

The moral of these blog posts is this. I am telling you, people. You can create so many costumes for Halloween [or any other themed party for that matter] by pretty much examining what’s already in your closet. Seriously. I didn’t got out in search of these specific costume ideas. Well, except for tomorrow’s 😉 because I’ve been wanting to dress up like one of these movie characters for a long time! You’ll have to tune back here tomorrow to see. Trust me. It’s worth the wait!



