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Y’all, I have good news and I have bad news regarding my ONE ROOM CHALLENGE. The good news is a two-parter = the “mourning” outbursts of either anger or crying over my grandma’s sudden passing [I believe] are finally over. I mean of course I am still sad about losing someone so dear to me, but there IS something nice about being somewhat in control of your emotions 😉 you know? The other good news is I also found a home for the half bath’s original mirror and bath vanity. Well, I guess not so much a home rather than I gifted them to the Habitat for Humanity ReStore, which of course felt good helping others! Okay, now for the bad news . . .


The #$@&%*! floor isn’t budging!!! That’s right = on top of the former owners NOT taking the baseboards off before laying new floor tile . . . they literally tiled over a linoleum floor, adhering new tiles to said linoleum. I mean WHAT THE WHAT?! This is WHY it is so important, y’all, to do lots of research before starting your own home renovation projects 👷🏻‍♀️ don’t be LAZY and cut corners 🙏🏻 do it RIGHT the first time or maybe you shouldn’t be doing it at all, you know? Anyway, just another Debbie Downer for ONE ROOM CHALLENGE . . . however, I do have some BONUS good news, which does includes this floor tile design I’ve been playing with below!


Yep, just like Grandma Margaret used to always say, “I must be living right and paying the preacher!” because y’all I found a FREE “Installing Tile Flooring” workshop right here at our local Home Depot AND guess what else?!?!? It’s also happening THIS Saturday!! Say what?! WHOO-HOO!!! I mean I know how to tile and all, but if the former owners have taught me anything about self home renovation, we can all LEARN MORE about any D.I.Y. task at hand 😉 PLUS, since I have multiple floors in this house to tile in the near future, I figured some extra education could only ENHANCE my colorful designs and this ONE ROOM CHALLENGE, you know?! STAY TUNED!!


Read more about the ONE ROOM CHALLENGE and all of its various participants by clicking here.