Okay, so yesterday was ALL about D’s anniversary present from yours truly, BUT since I’ve been asked a couple times since then as to what D got for me, I thought it was time for me to share this gorgeous beauty:
Yea, my man definitely knows what I like = she’s vintage looking, related to writing, AND is Kate Spade New York! It probably does help, though, that I keep a “Wanted” board on Pinterest 😉 but his thoughtfulness sure made me giddy just the same! I don’t know if you know this, but I actually never owned a Kate Spade anything before D and now might have somewhat of an addiction . . . I mean there are worse things I could have a dependency on like snorting aerosol or something [lol] AND I honestly didn’t need a stunning handbag like this to know how much D loves me. It’s just nice to be thought of, you know? I spent so many years of life being under appreciated by other men, or I guess I should say, boys [ZOOM-ZOOM-ZOOM] not receiving flowers or let own a card. SO, I most certainly do enjoy gestures like this one.
“Love is always bestowed as a gift – freely, willingly and without expectation. We don’t love to be loved; we love to love.” – Leo Buscaglia
I guess what I’m trying to say, ladies, is it IS okay to be spoiled every once in a while!