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Ever since that clock struck midnight on 2019, my pace has been at a run [a good run but still a “run” nonetheless] so much so, I find myself being more thankful for Cabi clothing than ever before! I just honestly don’t have the time right now to “style” anything that doesn’t involve a piece of furniture or a room inside our house . . . I mean my roots are even showing in a few of these pictures [GASP!] which NEVER happens!! That’s how busy I am, y’all! But lucky for me [and other smart females] we have Cabi clothing by our sides and in our closets 😉 if you’re a long-time follower of Lucky Little Mustardseed, you know better than most that my love for Cabi runs deep, but what you might not realize is how well one season goes with the next AND that was my goal with this blog post today = to show YOU how easy last season [Fall 2018] goes with this current season [Spring 2019] creating one Cabi CHIC look as we transition into warmer weather!







I created this transitional Cabi look by pairing last Fall’s faux-fur collar cardigan with this Spring’s scoop neck cami from Cabi’s New Arrivals “Sunny Set” . . . which of course comes with a flirty top layer of its own. HOWEVER, the temperatures in San Diego are just not quite right yet with my personal thermostat [I swear I am always cold] so I had to opt for something a little warmer until my teeth stop chattering [I’m ridiculous 😉 I know] then I used some other non-Cabi “oldies but goodies” from my closet to help pull the entire ensemble together = some 1960s-style cut capris to help POP the blue of the animal print in the Cabi cami AND these Spice Girls-esque block heels to add additional SASS to that already sassy Cabi Cardigan. And I swear, y’all, this is only one of probably fifty different outfits I could create from all of my seasons collabing with Cabi. Seriously! So if I haven’t convinced you until now to try Cabi, let today be that day! 🙂

Photos by 656 Photography