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[I know] the pictures from our 8-day vacay are way past due.

The reason?

Well, for starters, I snapped entirely too many pictures 😉 making it take FOREVER to go through all of them. Plus, it was more than difficult to decide on which ones to use . . . that’s why I’ve decided to include 12 different shots from THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PLACE I have ever seen AND for the most part, the pictures speak for themselves.


Kauai = insane beauty. The entire island was a giant palette of green; each place you looked, every shade you could imagine with sudden pops of other flower-ful hues.


All of my “from the sea” shots were taken aboard a Na Pali Coast tour, where the views were GORGEOUS. The guys had a blast while the ladies . . . uh, [how can I say this nicely?] we puked our guts out 🙁 fun times!


SO, we stuck to the beach for the rest of the week. I love, love, love this shot of D [this might be a framer].


Here’s a fun fact about Kauai: it rains almost every day. This waterfall [I believe] is always running, but most of them on the island don’t appear until after precipitation. Pretty stunning, huh!? I was pretty stoked about the rainbow. It was if my camera captured some of Mother Nature’s happy. [I love that!]


D actually took this picture – such a magnificent landscape!


AND the breath-taking shots just keep on coming [see why it was so hard to choose?]!


These little lizards were EVERYWHERE!!!


The guys were adamant about us getting some shots of them surfing. The only problem was my lense wasn’t high-powered enough, BUT somehow, I managed to get this one of Matt riding one in.


Seriously! Such vivid colors!!


On the last day, we visited the Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge, where they are in Phase II of their lighthouse restoration. It was almost scenery right out of a book; very charming.


I am a little frustrated with myself, though, because this is the only picture I have with all of us. I guess I was too busy absorbing our surroundings. [Boo.] Hell! I don’t even have one picture of just the ladies [good grief, Jenna!], BUT we did have an amazing time and got our fair share of wondrous shots.


Thank you so much, Matt and Leslie, for joining us on this adventure.

“Enjoyment of the landscape is a thrill.“ – David Hockney

Me and D think this will be a location we visit many times over!