Alright, color lovers! Who is ready to wrap up THAT ’70S SOFA project?! And thanks to lovely gals over at @Spoonflower, this upholstery reveal will be OUT OF THIS WORLD!
✂️ How-To Install An Outside Back ✂️
by Dave | Dec 17, 2020 | 3 comments
Alright, color lovers! Who is ready to wrap up THAT ’70S SOFA project?! And thanks to lovely gals over at @Spoonflower, this upholstery reveal will be OUT OF THIS WORLD!
O M G. This is the most fantastical sofa I have EVER SEEN in my life. I absolutely love your work, your spirit, your ‘YES’ to color. It brightens the world and has inspired me in my own home to take bigger risks with color. Who doesn’t love a rainbow?! Thank You Jenna Pilant for sharing your gift with the world.
🔮: Big things coming for you this NEW YEAR🎊🎥!!!
😮🎉spreading aMaZiNg 🌈 all over ‘da 🌎& much much more!!!✌
I LOVE this!!! You are a fabulous upholsterer and appreciate your craftsmanship to the Max…get it Peter Max! 😂 I have had to honor to meet him and buy one of his paintings 😳. I love this sofa ❤️