The main reason I love Halloween so much is it gives us all a chance to play a different character each year. I know you already know that I love to play “dress up” every day, but with this holiday, it’s different. This day gives you an opportunity to embody someone else that isn’t you. It also helps explain why one of my two music degrees just happens to be in Musical Theatre. I mean I love to be theatrical, Y’AAALLL! [in my best Ethel Merman impersonation] and that brings me to the second costume I made from items mostly already in my closet. It’s inspired both by my musical theatre-loving heart and from the fact I’ve been modeling/styling a “Pink Lady” all year long for the La Valencia Hotel — just seemed too perfectly appropriate not too!
Yep, for my second costume this week, I decided to create a “Pink Lady” from one of the all-time best musicals, Grease!
Photo by Henry S. Young
Now, it’s not really me being a specific character from the cast list. I like to think it more as a mix between a Sandy and a Rizzo = a little sugar and spice and everything nice! That’s what true “Pink Ladies” are made of 😉
Photo by Henry S. Young
When starting your “Pink Lady” costume, it is important to remember that it is [of course] mandatory to wear a pink-hued jacket — luckily, I already had this particular one from MakeMeChic.com since bombers are back with a vengeance this year!
Photo by Henry S. Young
For the body of the outfit, you honestly have multiple options. Feel free to watch the movie for research. I went with that sizzling number Sandy wears in the closing screens of Grease after her “bad girl” transformation. The top is part of a two-part number I purchased last year from REVOLVE, the skinny pants are from J.Crew, and the black heels, well, I always have a good pair of black heels in my closet.
Photo by Henry S. Young
The hot pink glasses and polka-dot scarf are newly acquired pieces from said “Pink Lady” photoshoots this year with the La Valencia Hotel. In fact, the scarf was worn around my head for our “Rosie The Riveter” look.
Photo by Henry S. Young
Once you have the “Pink Lady” look down, then all you have to do is wrestle in-between being sexy and being sassy. AND yes, there is a different, ladies! It’s a very fine line to wear/walk and it will make your costume complete. Haha!
Photo by Henry S. Young
“You better shape up ’cause I need a man and my heart is set on you!” — Sandy from Grease
Photo by Henry S. Young
Two costumes down. Two more to go! I hope you are enjoying my costume-countdown to Halloween. It’s so much fun to created costumes using items mostly from my closet. You’d be surprised what characters you could come up with just by shopping what you already have! I’d love to see you try 😀 tune back here tomorrow as I’ll have a third costume to show you!