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You’ve probably figured out by now that I love the old stuff.

What can I say?

I am so vintage.


In the early part of this year, I had the pleasure of creating a custom order for a client’s 1969 Airstream.  The gig included six very complicated cushions and a leather armrest/storage compartment. Honestly, I’ve been very hesitant about posting a picture of this job as I am not completely happy with how my pictures came out, but in the essence of not letting the perfection ruin the good, I said screw it this morning and hit publish! Why the poor pictures? Well, it was just a very cramped space so getting a full picture was über difficult. Plus, the lighting wasn’t the best either. Oh well! It was a very ambitious job, and even though, it required great effort on my part, I’m glad I took it.

“An Airstream is a lot like a first love: you are lured by her charm, seduced by her beauty, and once bitten, you are forever chasing after her mystique.” – Bruce Littlefield

The only bad thing now is I want one an Airstream of my very own 😉