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With much glee, I am happy to share with you that as the clock struck twelve on this year, my husband and I already had plans in place to seriously start making our house a home in 2017 [YIPPEE!] now, if you follow along on my Instastories, you probably already had a notion that we were starting some sort of project 🙂 although maybe not completely as to exactly what, so today I thought it might be fun to share with you a little bit about our renovation = Operation: Curb Appeal! That’s right. After living in our ranch-style brick home for almost a year now [talking through endless design ideas] we have made some decisions and are going to focus on the outside of the house first. Thus, a few weeks ago, our landscaper and his crew ripped out a bunch of beyond-random plants, trees, and shrubs on our property [giving us a large blank canvas to work with in multiple areas] but then the massive rains in San Diego hit and things came to a muddy stand still . . . but hopefully, with Mother Nature’s cooperation this Wednesday, we will be able to start executing Phase 2 of our outdoor plans [stay tuned to those Instastories, y’all!] until then though, I have posted below some of the photographic inspiration behind #MeAndD’s exterior daydreams.







Ugo Rondinone’s “Seven Magic Mountains




“Design is not making beauty, beauty emerges from selection, affinities, integration, love.” — Louis Kahn


So, what do you think? Yes, some of them aren’t of the highest picture quality [my apologies for that – most came from Pinterest] but I think they will still give you a good idea of what to look forward to on 😉 please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below [I’d love to hear from you] and as always, have a HaPpY Monday, y’all!