I have sort of a bad habit. Well, it’s more like two bad habits 🙂 for one, I pick-up/buy/rescue any wingback-esque chair I can get my creative hands on . . . leaving my studio space pretty packed to the nines with potential canvases. And two, once I discover a fabric I’m drawn to [creatively] I buy it – doesn’t necessarily mean I have a purpose for it! Why? For the most part, classic furniture and great fabric can be hard to come by, ESPECIALLY ones that leave me feeling inspired. SO, when I know, I know.
And that’s the reason today’s #beforeandafter is a perfect example of these personal tendencies of mine. A couple months back, my mentor, Eric, asked me if I wanted this chair he found and I smarted something back with the definition of a yes 😉 and then there was the fabric = a little over a year ago, my friend, The Design Stylist, sent me a link saying this swatch reminded her of me. And [of course] I absolutely LOVED it! However, my artistic vision for this dynamic pairing did not come full circle UNTIL I saw the cover of the Oceanside Museum of Art’s Museum Ball invitation. See, I had already decided to donate one of my “functional art” pieces to the event’s silent auction, BUT wasn’t really yet sure as to WHAT I was going to design. Boy, I sure did find my inspiration, though, AND could not be HAPPIER with the results.
“In creating, the only hard thing is to begin: a grass blade’s no easier to make than an oak.” – James Russell Lowell
The finished product involves everything I adore: furniture, bright splashes of color, rose gold 😀 I’m very anxious to see how the bidding goes tomorrow. Wish “us” luck!
(“Aurora Rose” – Copyright Pending)
LOVE that chair and fabric! PS – I have some potential up hostelry projects for you for some of furniture!
Thanks Katrina! If you would like an upholstery quote, just send over some pictures of said furniture to homebirdupholstery[at]gmail[dot]com 🙂 and I’ll email you one back.