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I love Mid-Century Modern, well, anything. So, whenever I stumble across an object from that era, I am a COMPLETE sucker for it . . . EVEN if it’s imperfect. I found this loveseat via Craigslist last summer, and although, one of the cushions was majorly disproportional to it’s design size, I could see the potential.

I knew three things about this project:

1. The back cushion would have to be cut down to an appropriate size.

2. I wanted a retro-looking patterned fabric for the body with a contrasting hued fabric for the welting.


3. Eventually, the entire wood frame would need to be striped, sanded, and re-varnished.

BUT, since I know we have [at least] two more moves in our future, I decided the third could wait for a couple of years 😉 ANYWAY, check out the #beforeandafter:

What do you think?

Personally, I could not be happier with the end result. The project went together flawlessly. I found the [cushion body] fabric in late November this past year MAJORLY on sale at JoAnn’s Fabrics. I actually didn’t even know what I was going to do with the fabric at the time, but knew 🙂 it would fit one of the many pieces in my studio. I found the awesomely textured orange [welting] fabric in one of my Charlotte Fabrics swatch books. What can I say? The two fabrics just clicked together in my right brain and I got to cutting. I also got lucky, because the inside foam was in great shape, SO all I really had to do was saw off about 6 inches of the foam from the back cushion and wrap both of them in poly wrap before stuffing them into the new cushion covers. Easy peasy!

[SIDENOTE: When cutting down foam, always cut from the bottom. For example, I did NOT cut from the top of the back cushion, as I wanted to keep the nice rounded-shape corners on the top. PLUS, cutting from the bottom will help keep the back cushion standing up straight and less likely to fall over.]

While the loveseat’s base is still worn from its previous owner’s use, I find the entire piece to be pretty spectacular. The cushions are now dimensionally correct. The colors fit perfectly with our master’s décor. It’s just full of new life and it’s all because of some upholstery. I mean sure Nella is probably not happy with me, because I got rid of the scratchy fabric she used to roll around and itch her back on, but it was a simple step that made a world of difference.

“Some beautiful things are more dazzling when they are still imperfect than when they have been too perfectly crafted.” – La Rochefoucauld, Collected Maxim and Other Reflections

Okay, now here is the exciting part = because this was the last checkmark on “Master Bedroom” design list, I’m going to be revealing our entire bedroom to you on MONDAY! I can’t wait. OH! And there’s also a giveaway. HUZZAH!