by Dave | Jun 9, 2014 | Me & D
I’m in the middle of “Operation Hydrate” [yet again] this morning. Why? It’s mostly because I’m still recovering from another #meandD Vegas adventure. Well, I could always use more water in my day [everyday], BUT it’s pretty much because of our fun. See, D had to go... by Dave | Jun 6, 2014 | Decor, Interior Design
Things are sure looking lovely in my office . . . ESPECIALLY with my new storage unit! (Stella Cabinet from CB2) I just simply CANNOT work in an untidy environment, folks. In fact, I’m pretty certain nobody can REALLY – even though, they might tell you differently 😉... by Dave | Jun 4, 2014 | Decor, Interior Design
Last year, I made the realization that I might have majored in the wrong subject, and until recently, there was a little self-doubt about the matter. Oh, whom am I kidding? I’m a creative, so there will always be some uncertainty. The point is, however, I keep feeling... by Dave | Jun 2, 2014 | Me & D
Okay, so try not to judge here 🙂 but on Friday, #meandD went to my first-ever music festival: X-Fest. I’ve [of course] been to concerts before, but I have never had the pleasure of seeing this many superb bands back to back to back. It was PHENOMENAL. The lineup... by Dave | May 27, 2014 | Decor, Interior Design
I find #creativeaftermath inspiration wherever I go. For example, a month ago [in between shopping and food] me and D ran into one of my favorite design stores, Hold It Contemporary Home, in Mission Valley. It’s one of those shopping establishments that make you giddy...