I have been a crafting maniac this week.
Most of my “mad scientist” creating [IT’S ALIVE!] was in preparation for our fun-filled, Jimmy Buffett weekend.
Well, let me be the one to tell you: “Parrot Heads” do not mess around. They go all out for his concerts with elaborate outfits, amusing hats, and such. And last year, I had no idea and found this ALL out a little too late [whomp, whomp, whomp], but this year . . . this year WILL be different. I was not about to let another costuming opportunity slip through these fingertips 😉 SO, that’s the reason I decided to make myself a head wreath, not of flowers, but of feathers!
Can someone say birds on the brain?
Colorful Feathers
Hanging Wire
Crafting Wire
Wire Cutters
Before we begin, I need to preface this by saying, I have honestly never made a head wreath, BUT since I truly believe in the whole “if there’s a will, there’s a way” concept, I thought I could probably figure it out. I already had the wire cutters and the hanging wire [leftover from BLANK], so all I had to really buy was the colorful feathers and crafting wire – making this project one of the cheapest D.I.Y.’s I have ever done!
For the first step, I cut a long piece of the hanging wire and sized it to my large noggin.
Next, I looped the ends together, twisted them, and snipped off the excess.
Now, here is the part where I had no bloody idea what I was doing [lol], but I went for it anyway. I cut a three-inch piece of crafting wire, picked a feather from the bowl, and started wrapping the feather with the crafting wire around the hanging wire.
Then, you take the above step and repeat it over and over and over again.
As I went along, I did find that it was easier to wrap the crafting wire around the hanging wire first and then place the feather. Live and you learn, right?!
And there you have it, folks! A feather wreath for a Parrot Head and the best part is there’s no real way to mess it up 😀 all you need to do is decide where and which way you want each feather to lay and GO!
“Strange bird from a different nest. Flying low not like all the rest.“ – Jimmy Buffett
I cannot wait to share the pictures of our complete ensemble!