A few weeks ago, I was asked by Modani to create a living room that reflects my style 🙂 AND you know how this Lucky Little Mustardseed loves to decorate a room! Thus, I [of course] jumped at the opportunity. Here’s what I came up with:
Overall, it was a pretty easy design as Modani has a nice selection of contemporary [yet classically] designed “staple” items for your home. I selected one of their beautiful couches, a rad coffee table, and a mustard-tastically-colored lamp. From there, I brought the room to life with random pops of color . . . including an art piece by [my new fave artist] Donald “Drawbertson” Robertson. I mean a girl can dream, right?! Anyway, this is totally a living room I could see myself LIVING in = it’s both voguish and inviting 😉 OH! And just in case YOU love one or all of these items, I thought ahead [yep, not just a glass rack] and provided links to all of the items. ENJOY!
Modani “Fabiola” Coffee Table Black
The human soul is hungry for beauty; we seek it everywhere – in landscape, music, art, clothes, furniture, gardening, companionship, love, religion, and in ourselves. No one would desire not to be beautiful. When we experience the beautiful, there is a sense of homecoming. – John O’Donohue
Thanks again Modani for such a fun project! It’s always flattering to have someone admire your style enough to ask for a design.