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Your own style is one of the most beautiful things in the world.

It’s what makes you, well, YOU!

I absolutely love it when my clients are so keyed into their own style that it ends up being incorporated into their custom orders.


I created these Aztec cushions in the fall of 2011 . . . back when Homebird Upholstery first hatched 😉 and I was still juggling around the concept of “who am I?” I honestly have to pinch myself daily as a reminder that I’m living one of my dreams – I AM a full-time creative. I am able to express Jenna’s artsy-fartsy self through furniture [and anything else I can lay my little “worker” hands on] every single day. Anyway, this client [as you can see] was really into this particular fabric and I threw in the idea of using turquoise, recycled leather for the welting = a very happy upholsterer and an even happier client!

“All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make, the better“ – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Yep, I’m feeling pretty lucky and ready to stretch my imaginative ways even farther than my inspired mind can go.