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A little over a month ago, I had the privilege of attending for the second year in a row the Cabi Clothing Scoop where they debuted their entire Spring 2018 Collection 🙂 this year was extra special however because on top of the invite, Cabi asked me if I was interested in partaking in something a little extra too!

As one of their fashion influencers, the Cabi team requested that I tape a short recorded broadcast a few hours before the actual Fashion Show that would air on all of their social media channels. And the best part?! I would get to film the segment wearing an outfit from their upcoming Spring 2018 Collection!


And of course, I responded delightfully = something to an extent of an “Ooo!!” Not only was I pumped to wear the clothes before they even hit the runway but also looked forward to dusting off those skills from my “television host” years and step back in front of the light of the camera 😉 see my full clip below!

What do you think?! From hand-selecting my look to actually shooting the clip, it was such an honor to be tasked with such a fun responsibility that day and we got it done in just under two takes, y’all . . . AND managed to do so with not too many Cabi stylists catching-on to the unfamiliar Cabi threads 😉 haha!


“Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm.” — Abraham Lincoln

And if you think my ensemble was cute that day, just wait until you watch the entire Fashion Show [located above] for yourself 🙂 and STAY TUNED as in the coming weeks I will be sharing with you how I have personally incorporated this spring’s Cabi trends with my own particular breed of style. SO FUN!

Photos by 656 Photography

Videos by Cabi Clothing

Outfit Details:

Sunglasses: Betty & Veronica / Glasses & Clutch: Kate Spade New York / Earrings: J.Crew

Blazer, Top, Belt, Pants & Shoes: Cabi Clothing