Today is Giving Tuesday, y’all!
Celebrated on the Tuesday directly following Thanksgiving every year, #GivingTuesday is a day of giving in the U.S, fueled by the power of social media and collaboration, that kicks off the charitable season when many are focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving. It’s also one of the best ways to get involved in your own community and is NOW a day that is extremely special in our household. You see one year ago today, I decided to join my husband and his “Giving Tuesday” team from Harrah’s Resort Southern California to help the Escondido Campus of the San Diego Humane Society. D worked a couple of hours at his casino property that day, then ran home to pick me up so we could go volunteer AND at some point while backing out of our driveway, told me in his most serious “D” voice, “We are NOT coming home with another dog today.” I quickly remarked something to the extent of “Yes, handsome, I am FULLY aware that my adolescent daydreams of having six dogs just isn’t going to happen.”
This was the day Cash found his forever home.
I know it’s cliche to type this, but I honestly remember that day like it was yesterday = when we arrived to Escondido Campus of the San Diego Humane Society, I recall a group of Harrah’s employees already congregated outside the building, wearing their #GivingTuesday t-shirts while listening to the wonderful SDHS staff inform us as to what we were going to be helping with. I also remember feeling relieved to learn that we weren’t going to be having direct contact with any of the animals and were instead going to be organizing their storage containers as well as making some dog treats. I just knew that meeting any of their adoptable dogs was going to be torturous for my animal-loving heart.
Relieved, I quickly joined my husband and the rest of his team emptying said storage containers and purging any unusable donations via our instructions from the SDHS staff. Yes, it was a somewhat “dirty” volunteering experience but I was thoroughly enjoying myself, helping an organization that does so much for lost animals, all the while listening to D and his employees banter back and forth. It wasn’t until after D finished his #GivingTuesday television interview that our life quickly changed forever.
The camera man had just wrapped with his last question for D and we were slowly making our way back to the “volunteering” area WHEN a man walked by holding one of the most adorable puppies I had ever seen. My heart stopped. “Is she officially yours?” I asked the stranger. He grinned and replied with the most HaPpY “YES, she sure is! Just adopted her. She has a couple of siblings though. They are inside.” Well, apparently that was all my husband needed to hear, because suddenly D thought it was such a good idea to go inside the Humane Society to meet the puppies. “Seriously?!” I complained. “What are you trying to do to me . . . torture your wife?!” I mean I of course knew he wasn’t PURPOSELY trying to cause me angst, but it did beg the question, y’all 😉 and onward into its lobby we went!
Once inside, we discovered that there was in fact two remaining puppies . . . sleeping gently in their crate . . . strategically placed in the lobby RIGHT beside the front desk. “Damn,” I thought, “These Humane Society folks sure know their product placement.” Lol. Me and D then proceeded to sit down quietly beside the two sleeping sweeties. There was one boy and one girl. I quickly asked D which one is the boy? He pointed him out via his chart and said his name was Cash. As soon as I muttered, “Awe, Cash!” that little seven-week old black and white puppy’s eyes jolted straight open and looked at me. D gasped and I abruptly found myself asking the front desk lady if there was possibly a room where were could go play with the male puppy. Naturally, there was a place specifically set aside for such hasty decisions!
From the moment we entered the room, Cash had already decided that we were going to be his parents. Funny, how these newbie furballs know exactly how to work the charm 😉 D had sat down on the floor in the far corner of the visitation room as I made my way around the lady that was carrying Cash. Before I could even process what was going on, Cash had been placed on the floor and had managed to puppy-frolick into D’s lap and attack his face with the most affectionate kisses I had ever seen. I knew we were screwed. Unexpectedly, the man who had only a few hours prior lectured me on “no new dogs” was asking me if Cash could count as this year’s birthday present?! Such a whirl-a-wind of a day!!
“A dog doesn’t care if you’re rich or poor, educated or illiterate, clever or dull. Give him your heart and he will give you his.” – John Grogan
And that’s how Cash came to be part of our family!
We adopted him right on the spot that day and eagerly took him home to a household of three older dogs. Sure, we TOTALLY upset the pack order, and yes, our household was a complete shit-show months following, AND it probably would have been in our best interest to get our heads examined first 😉 but honestly, Cash has been the most rewarding experience of my life. He just turned one in October and continues to amaze us with his energy, mental abilities, and the overall sweetness of his heart. The other dogs have adjusted and now it seems weird to think back on a time when Cash wasn’t a part of our days. He loves the pool, long walks and tug-a-war. I LOVE kissing his squishy nose, looking into those golden eyes of his, and sneaking in a “Cash” hug whenever the moment presents.
Yep, Giving Tuesday [or as we like to say Cash-mas] will forever be a special day in our life, our marriage and for our pack. Seriously, #adoptdontshop, y’all! It’s sure made a believer out of us.
Photos by 656 Photography
Outfit Details:
Glasses: Kate Spade New York / Chicago Sweatshirt: Vintage / Belt Bag: Herschel Supply Co.
Jeans: Lovers + Friends / Sneakers: Nike
Aw I love this! We had a similar experience about three weeks ago and became a family of five. 🙂 I’m so happy for Cash and for your family. Happy anniversary!!
Thanks friend!! Rescued animals are the best animals 😉
Indeed! #adoptdontshop