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Unknown territory can be a scary thing . . . especially when it comes to upholstery.

This #beforeandafter is a hairdresser chair I recovered for my girlfriend, Mitzi, who has the best/most captivating/refreshing style of anyone else I know. I met her over two years ago through the Oceanside Museum of Art and have been friends with her ever since. ANYWAY, because of her wonderfully FUN taste, this project was an important growth opportunity = I had never sewed vinyl before NOR had I ever disassemble and reassemble a mechanical chair. Now, I might be slightly crazy and a little too advantageous 😉 I know I tend to take on projects that I technically [probably] shouldn’t be taking on, BUT I do it just the same!

“If everyone waited to become an expert before starting, no one would become an expert. To become an expert, you must have experience. To get experience, you must experiment! Stop waiting. Start stuff.” – Richie Norton

How else am I supposed to learn if I don’t take a chance on ME every now and again?