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Have you ever seen a grown man light up like a little boy on Christmas morning?

Well, that’s the exact expression I see on my D’s face every time we pull up to the gates of Arrowhead Stadium.


This past weekend was the Kansas City Chiefs’ Home Opener. So, me and D were there [shocker!] bright and early, all dressed in red and gold [double shocker!] ready to do some tailgating and cheering for our team.


Is there anything better than tailgating before a game? Of course not! And [of course] it wouldn’t be much of a party without some “adult” beverages . . .


Our queen of “Tailgate Island” [the kind and beautiful] Autumn!


What’s that saying? Men will be boys!


Our Canadian friends turned Antiguans. They literally bought a restaurant in Antigua, sold all of their stuff in Canada, and moved there this year! How crazily awesome is that? We adore these two so much [miss you already, Stuart and Shauna!]


When it comes to tailgating, D is all about the game: Cornhole [also known as bean bag toss] – check out that form!


D and his Cornhole partner [is it just me or did that sound dirty?] are the forever champs . . . well, at least in their own eyes 😉 oh, and that’s Tim [in the far back middle] = “the King of the Photobomb.”


Then there was the moment we were ALL waiting for: GAME TIME!


The weather couldn’t quite decide what it was doing; kept going in between hot/sunny and rainy/cloudy. Either way, we were happy to be there!


“Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it’s much more serious than that.” – Bill Shankly

It was such a great game and the final score wasn’t too shabby either!


Which made for a happy D and thus a happy me.
