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Hey there, color lovers and fellow ORCers 🌈 my name is Jenna Pilant [puh-lawnt] and this is my Week 7 update for my Spring 2020 ONE ROOM CHALLENGE space . . . man, does it feels so weird typing that . . . yep, for the first time-ever the ORC not only postponed but also extended the amount of weeks we were allowed due to Covid [from 6 – 8 weeks] and oy, do I sure wish we had weeks 9-12 too 😜  as I am definitely NOT going to be completing my space by next Thursday πŸ’” renovating during a pandemic has definitely been interesting and there is just simply too much left to do. I mean I’ve pulled off some CrAzY deadlines in my day but NOTHING like this and for what really?! I mean I want to be selected to be on the pages of Better Homes & Gardens magazine just as bad as anybody OR to be selected as one of the ONE ROOM CHALLENGE‘s twenty featured designers would be a DREAM COME TRUE, but I also have to be realistic and I also can’t rush perfection. PLUS, I am only one woman and since I do a majority of the renovation work myself . . . I mean life’s been WILD since sheltering in place happened and the Pilant’s continue to social distance. Anyway, this is my long way of telling you to prepare yourself for a big ROOM BLOOM let-down next week. That’s correct. No big reveal next Thursday. A final product IS still coming πŸ˜‰ I am just missing a bunch of my supplies and that makes it’s sort hard to finish an interior design project without all your supplies, ya know?! Oh well, you live and you learn and you hopefully don’t get the Covid, right?! πŸ€’πŸ€žπŸ»

Last week’s update was kind of an awkward one as I got the blog post out in time but not the new ROOM BLOOM on YouTube episode until this past Saturday evening [the struggle was real y’all] so just incase you missed my ORC Week 6 update, here is the video below ⬇️ where I show you how to reupholster a sofa’s inside seat:

And this week is going to be sort of similar . . . I mean the new Week 7’s ROOM BLOOM on YouTube is currently rendering as I type this, but MAN, is Mercury in ReTrOgRaDe again?! Because dang, this week, me and technology have NOT been getting along too well. So SOON there will be a new episode right below here ⬇️


In the meantime, IF you haven’t watched the other FOUR episodes of ROOM BLOOM for my Spring 2020 ONE ROOM CHALLENGE space, I welcome you to do so πŸ˜‰

Week One: I prepped, primed and painted the FORMAL LIVING ROOM’s giant *ss windows πŸ˜… you can see/learn how by watching Episode 30 of ROOM BLOOM:

⬇️ Week 1’s Episode ⬇️


Week Two: The LIVING ROOM’s fireplace was transformed by Los Angeles muralist = RUBEN ROJAS 🎨 watch it’s tranformation on Episode 31 of ROOM BLOOM:

⬇️ Week 2’s Episode ⬇️


For Week Three: I took a Wayfair coffee table and DIYed it into a disco ball FANTASTIC piece of furniture for my ORC space 🎨 watch that grooviness directly below:

⬇️ Week 3’s Episode ⬇️


And for Week Four: there’s a “how-to” properly teardown upholstered furniture βœ‚οΈ I hope it inspires you to try your hands at your own upholstery project for home!

⬇️ Week 4’s Episode ⬇️


Jenna’s Spring 2020 ONE ROOM CHALLENGE To-Do List:

  • Remove and donate old ceiling fan to Habitat for Humanity. βœ…
  • Paint the ceiling and walls a bright, inviting white. βœ…
  • Disassemble old security alarm sensor above master bedroom door. βœ…
  • Prime/paint interior wood windows. βœ…
  • Install new window shades. βœ…
  • Clean & repaint the inside of the fireplace’s firebox. βœ…
  • Prime/paint the top wood portion of the fireplace structure. βœ…
  • Install the fireplace’s art installation. βœ…
  • Create a one-of-a-kind coffee table. βœ…
  • Teardown 70s circular sofa. βœ…
  • Reupholster the 1970s circular sofa.
  • Remove wallpaper and demo countertop in built-in bar area.
  • Install new bar countertop.
  • Prime/paint the built-in bar’s wood.
  • Tile the built-in bar’s backsplash and sidewalls.
  • Create or source additional artwork for living room’s walls + additional decor items.
  • Install new ceiling fan.
  • Photograph the entire completed space.


Read more about theΒ ONE ROOM CHALLENGEΒ and all of its various participants byΒ clicking here.