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Hello there, color lovers and fellow ORCers 🌈 my name is Jenna Pilant [puh-lawnt] and welcome to my “WEEK 4” update on myΒ Spring 2020 ONE ROOM CHALLENGE space. I got to be honest = I was NOT feeling motivated at all today to either write or edit πŸ’” just seems really silly to be talking about interior design right now when our BIPOC brothers and sisters are continually being WRONGFULLY slain here in America. We need to do better, white people, and that also includes this color-loving queen, ME. I also need to do better. I need to be a better ally. I need to educate myself more about what it means to be BLACK in this country. I need to support more POC businesses and causes. I am also sicken by the fact that I lost a good amount of followers on IG yesterday after posting in my Instastories both about George Floyd and that Central Park “Karen” of a lady. Why would racist people be following someone who is all about embracing what makes us different on social media?! It was a definite eye opener 🀯 so let me be the first to say that if you’re someone who is reading this right now and you have an urge to write some BS like “ALL LIVES MATTER” or something else that will make you feel personally better about your own WHITE PRIVILEGE, don’t. Please know you are part of the problem and do us all a solid and kindly leave my colorful, KIND corner of the internet! Oh, and feel free to unfollow me on social media as well, because there is no one here that wants to read your hateful rhetoric. Being a true color lover is to have a kindness in your heart, openness in your brain and a yearning to leave this world in a better state than you found it in; so if that’s YOU, I am so beyond happy that you are here πŸ™ŒπŸ» I am a San Diego designer that specializes in creating one-of-a-kind [non-trendy] COLORFUL AF furniture and interiors for both me and my clients. You can learn more about myself and my design/upholstery background by clicking hereΒ andΒ here.

(please stand by for awkward transition)

Now that I’ve got “that” off my chest [for the time being anyway] let’s get back to my ORC β€” so far in our FORMAL LIVING ROOM, I have completed the following:

  • Remove and donate old ceiling fan to Habitat for Humanity. βœ…
  • Paint the ceiling and walls a bright, inviting white. βœ…
  • Disassemble old security alarm sensor above master bedroom door. βœ…
  • Prime/paint interior wood windows. βœ…
  • Install new window shades. βœ…
  • Clean & repaint the inside of the fireplace’s firebox. βœ…
  • Prime/paint the top wood portion of the fireplace structure. βœ…
  • Install the fireplace’s art installation. βœ…
  • Create a one-of-a-kind coffee table. βœ…
  • Teardown 70s circular sofa. βœ…
  • Reupholster the 1970s circular sofa.
  • Remove wallpaper and demo countertop in built-in bar area.
  • Install new bar countertop.
  • Prime/paint the built-in bar’s wood.
  • Tile the built-in bar’s backsplash and sidewalls.
  • Create or source additional artwork for living room’s walls + additional decor items.
  • Install new ceiling fan.
  • Photograph the entire completed space.

Week One: I prepped, primed and painted the FORMAL LIVING ROOM’s giant *ss windows πŸ˜… you can see/learn how by watching Episode 30 of ROOM BLOOM:

⬇️ Week 1’s Episode ⬇️


Week Two: The LIVING ROOM’s fireplace was transformed by Los Angeles muralist = RUBEN ROJAS 🎨 watch it’s tranformation on Episode 31 of ROOM BLOOM:

⬇️ Week 2’s Episode ⬇️


AND Week Three: I took a Wayfair coffee table and DIYed it into a disco ball FANTASTIC piece of furniture for my ORC space 🎨 watch that grooviness directly below:

⬇️ Week 3’s Episode ⬇️


Which brings us to this week’s new video [Episode 33 of ROOM BLOOM] where I am showing you how to properly teardown an upholstered piece of furniture. WHY? Well, for starters, this trade, my trade of upholstery is sadly a dying trade 😞 especially here in these racist states [sorry not sorry] and secondly, there is an ignorant misconception that upholstery is easy . . . when it is NOT easy. It is my hope with this video 1) I inspire you to see that there is always new life in old furniture and 2) to either support/hire your local upholsterer and/or to try your hand at your own upholstery project βœ‚οΈ as upholstery is an art form in itself and should be celebrated!

⬇️ Week 4’s Episode ⬇️


AND if you like Episode 33 of ROOM BLOOM, it would mean so much to me if you subscribed to my YouTube channelΒ  πŸ™πŸ» as I do the designing, most of the grunt work and ALL of the camera/video editing myself. Plus, you don’t want to miss out on the FUN next week as I start the reupholstering process on this 1970s circular sofa for my ONE ROOM CHALLENGE space πŸ•ΊπŸ» heck, I might even start showing you some of the fabrics I’ve selected for it πŸ‘πŸ» and yes, I did say FABRIC(S) plural so stay tuned!


Read more about theΒ ONE ROOM CHALLENGEΒ and all of its various participants byΒ clicking here.